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There are twenty three novels published at the moment, the first ‘Hainault’ made it#s first appearance on a long lost version of this website some twenty five years ago.

Originally there was only ever meant to be the one story, then I wrote another one, and then another one…

With work and family matters taking priority at different times, some took years to write, two of them however (Westminster and Lewisham) took only a matter of days!!

The most recent novel publised was Nine Elms which appeared online in July 2023, the next novel in the series, Priory Park will appear later in 2024 all being well and is scheduled to be followed by the twenty fifth novel Tottenham Court Road, probably sometime in late 2025.

There are also a couple of strictly non-cannon short stories to enjoy as well.

Clicking the Downloads link in the menu above will take you to the links to the PDF files of all the currently available novels.

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